Thursday, May 7, 2009

A lil' background information for you. . .

Not so long ago, I begged a friend of mine to recommend a non-fiction book for me. He told me to try "In Defense of Food" by Micheal Pollan. This book literally changed parts of my life. I thought and thought about everything Micheal Pollan had said in relation to how we should eat more whole foods and less pre-packaged, processed items for our health. I wanted to eat that way SO BAD! But I had no idea where to start. Micheal Polland gives you the most basic foundations of how to grocery shop: don't buy food with ingredients that you can't pronounce, five ingredients or less as a flexible rule, and shop on the outer isles of the grocery store only. That's a great starting point - where do I go from there though? What are recommended products I can buy so I don't have to agonizingly search for myself? And how do you even cook an artichoke?

Then a blessing in disguise came, I got laid off due to the recession. So I had a lot - A LOT - of free time to be more pro-active about researching Polland's recommended way of eating. I found out that there are many people who eat this way AND there's even a term for it: Clean Eating. There's information out there about "clean eating" but it's a bit scattered. That's where my blog comes into play - it's a one stop shop for people to get the information they need to start clean eating. I'll also chit-chat about recommended prepackaged foods I've tried, recipies I love, eating hurdles people need to be aware of, magazines I like and more - all related to clean eating, of course! I hope it can help others in starting their own lifestyle change for a healthier and immensely more delicious life! Enjoy!

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